Building Funds
Capital Projects - Building Funds
What is “capital” and how can it support Campbellsville University?
“Capital,” simply defined, may be described as those funds that are applied toward “brick and mortar” projects-or in other words-projects that impact an institution's grounds and facilities. The positive influence stately campus facilities and well-groomed grounds can have on an institution is vital. Many marketing and physical plant experts contend that as much as 70% of a university's image is based on how its facilities and grounds present themselves to campus guests.
Although Campbellsville University has made significant improvements with its facilities as well as with its grounds during the past decade, the University must go to that “next level” of facility and grounds excellence. As enrollment continues to grow on our main and extended campuses, so do the demands on current facilities. And along with those rising enrollments, a desire for future facilities must be realized as well.
Our policy has always been, and will always be, to put the students first in everything we do. We want our students to benefit from contemporary facilities. We seek to make Campbellsville University the Christian university of choice. Your prayerful and financial support of the University's capital projects can make an indelible mark on the life of this private, comprehensive university.
What types of capital projects can be funded at Campbellsville University?
Campbellsville University has a host of capital projects (existing and future) that seek major donor support. While the decision to name a structure or designated area is subject to many considerations, the following guidelines are recommended for gifts to Campbellsville University.
- Academic and athletic buildings
- Conference rooms
- Laboratories
- Lecture/recital halls
- Classrooms
- Faculty offices
- Lobbies
- Performance areas
- Hallways in buildings
- Equipping and furnishing rooms
- Individual seats in performance areas
- Designated areas on the University grounds
*Naming of major facilities requires approval from the Campbellsville University Board of Trustees.
How do I begin the process of providing funds for capital projects?
If you are interested in providing funds for a capital project at Campbellsville University, you may do so online by contacting the Office of Development at (800) 264-6014 ext. 5211 or (270) 789-5211 Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), and by writing :
Benji Kelly
Vice President for Development
Campbellsville University
1 University Drive, UPO 784
Campbellsville, KY 42718;
or by e-mail at
As with all financial matters, we encourage you to discuss your plans with an attorney, CPA or tax advisor. Campbellsville University is not permitted to provide tax-related or legal advice.